A CURV III (Cable controlled Underwater Research Vehicle) aboard USS Opportune in the Atlantic Ocean. Hands of a man working with wires. Three members of U.S. Naval Undersea Center (NUC) –a technician has a note pad while others are working with wires. Hands of the technician holding a group of wires and a continuity checker. Two technicians working with wires. The third man in the background. A technician working on the deck of USS Opportune (Salvage Vessel). Gear on the deck of the ship. Hands of a man holding a metal object over the deck. A technician working on the deck. Other technicians and a crewman in the background. Two technicians working with an object on the deck. A heavy, round metal object in the hands of a technician. Another technician attaching a small white line to the metal object. The technicians working on the deck around the CURV III. A man works with wrenches on side of the CURV III. The claws of the CURV III. A technician working with a wrench on the CURV III. Two technicians working on a large shackle attaching objects with a line. A group of men gathered around the CURV III. The technicians standing at a side of the CURV III.
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